How can we help?
Our team is dedicated to ensuring you have a positive experience on SALT. Check out our safe dating and wellbeing guidance below, and to browse our app FAQs or to contact us, please visit our Help Centre.
Online Safety
Safe dating
Giving out contact details
Never feel pressured to share your contact information. Use SALT’s messaging features to get to know someone before sharing your email address, social handle, or telephone number. This keeps your personal information private and allows you to get to know the person within a safe environment.
We also strongly suggest having a video call within the app, which helps verify the person’s identity and helps break down those online dating barriers.
If you do share contact details, clearly communicate your boundaries and let the other person know what you’re comfortable with and what you expect in return. And trust your instincts - if anything feels off, it’s okay to wait and ask more questions.
Do not give out your physical address to someone until after you have met them in person and feel comfortable giving it out.
Requests for money
NEVER send money or share financial information, even if the person claims to be in trouble. Online scammers are extremely cunning and can take advantage of our desire for connection and to be loved and valued.
Suspicious behaviour
If someone is exhibiting suspicious or inappropriate behaviour, we would encourage you to report their profile within the SALT app. For details on how to do this, see Reporting Procedures below.
Meeting in Person
Safe dating
Planning a first date
Clearly communicate your desire to meet up and make sure they're comfortable with it too. Don’t pressure someone to do anything they don't want to do or aren’t ready for yet.
Plan to meet in a public location like a café, restaurant, or park. Avoid private or secluded areas for your first in-person meeting. Let a friend or family member know who you’re meeting, where you’re going, and what time you expect to return. And make sure you have a reliable way to get to and from the meeting on your own - avoid relying on your date for transportation. This helps maintain your independence and safety.
Remember, if you feel uncomfortable at any point before the meeting, it’s okay to reschedule or cancel. Your comfort and safety should always come first.
Meeting in person
Stick to the public place you agreed on, and show up early to get comfortable with your surroundings. If your date suggests moving to a more private location, politely decline and suggest staying where you both feel safe.
Only accept drinks poured or served directly from the bartender or server - many substances that are slipped into drinks are odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Keep your personal items (like your phone, wallet, and keys) within reach at all times. If you need to step away, take them with you.
Do not be pressured into any sort of physical contact you aren’t comfortable with - any physical contact must start with consent.
Focus on getting to know each other in a relaxed way and avoid diving into deeply personal or sensitive topics too soon.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don’t be afraid to cut the meeting short.
After a first date
Once the date is over, check in with a friend or family member to let them know you’re safe. This is a good way to wrap up the experience and reflect on how it went. Check in with your match the following day to let them know if you would like to meet again. If not, consider saying something encouraging, but let them know where you stand. If their response makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, report them to SALT and/or to appropriate authorities.
Finding Support
Mental health
Limit the amount of time you spend on the app each day and engage with your existing matches. Be intentional and look for meaningful connections.
Feeling burned out? It’s okay to step away from the app for a while. You can make your profile invisible in the preferences, which means you don’t have to start from scratch when you’re ready to use the app again.
Talk to someone you trust about your dating life and how it’s going. Sharing your feelings with others can provide relief and new perspectives.
Reporting procedures
If you feel uncomfortable and want to report the person you’re chatting with on SALT, tap their profile avatar and scroll to the bottom where you’ll find the Report user button. Ensure you let SALT’s moderation team know why you are reporting this individual so they can carry out a thorough investigation. SALT has a fully trained moderation team that investigates every reported profile.
If you need to report something a user has said or done outside of the app, submit an enquiry to our Help Center with the relevant details and screenshots if you feel these would be helpful.
If you need to report something that happened in-person, then consider contacting the police before reaching out to SALT.
Church finder
If you have moved or are generally struggling to find a church community, use one of the following resources to find a church near you:
Support services UK
Biblical Counseling UK | https://biblicalcounseling.com/
Faithful Counseling | https://www.faithfulcounseling.com/
Mind UK | https://www.mind.org.uk/
The Samaritans | https://www.samaritans.org/
Support services USA
RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline | online.rainn.org | www.rainn.org
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 | www.thehotline.org
National Sexual Violence Resource Center | www.nsvrc.org
The American Association of Christian Counselors | https://aacc.net/