Green flag for me in a man is that he is a man of God. That he lives in obedience to God he is comfortable to be the head of our relationship. An alpha male. A man that share the same Christian values as me. A man that understand that we are not perfect we will make mistakes but together with love compassion kindness empathy we can forgive each other. A man willing to get married live in harmony and no matter the circumstances understand that marriage is for life

Green flags in Christian dating 🙂
We always talk about the red flags in dating but what about the green flags? What are the things you look for to confirm your date could be a good godly partner?
Non quarrelsome. A gentle sweet spirit. A strong faith. 🙂
God is always his FIRST priority.
Que en la forma de hablar demuestre amor y compasión por el prójimo
I look for if daily prayer is mentioned in the profile 💚. Then I start day dreaming wow we can pray together daily 😄
A woman who has a relationship with God & lives her life to bring Him glory
Willingness to go back to what the Bible would say regarding an issue, struggle or conflict. Since we are not perfect, humility to check what the Word of God says is a green flag for me.
Emotional intelligence and maturity. Healthy relationships. Credibility. Integrity. Consistency. Boundaries. Close to family. Close relationship with God. Knowing the Bible.
My green flags are he should have all have a biblical view of life i.e, lives in the consciousness of how to please God by consistently obeying the word, e.g, regular fellowship & submission to one & other, accountable to mature men & women in the faith to be discipled. Is he walking in brotherly love towards sisters? Is he a faithful man at work or friendship? Is he living in sexual purity? Is he yielded to the holyspirit & are there fruit? Is he a provider & Can he die to self like christ?
Someone who doesn’t throw in sexual references and sexual jokes in conversation!
It's someone who lives the life of a true Christian.
Someone who loves the Lord does his will. You can see it in their words and actions
When he has intentionally surrounded himself with godly male mentors/trusted individuals who provide accountability, encouragement, and wisdom. This demonstrates humility, a willingness to grow, and a desire to live in alignment with biblical principles. Having people he asks to speak into his life reflects his commitment to integrity and shows that he values community and accountability in his walk with Christ.
Green flags let’s see!! God fearing and, God centered , kind , compassionate loving , romantic, attentive passionate , empathetic, forgiving and with good humor. Is that too much? Oh also close to my age!!! 😃😀☺️
That he is a leader, doesn’t have to be high up in a job sense but in an emotional, and spiritual sense he needs to lead our family. Someone who is patient and kind.
What I'm looking for a Christian woman have same interests as me
A lady who believes in the teachings of the Lord and follows him in practice, not just in words. She must believe in the biblical view of marriage (and hold true to the marital vows), which should last a lifetime, except for when infidelity is involved. She must want kids, not believe in abortion. She must be modest and be willing to live our life with God and his teachings at the centre. So, basically, the good wife outlined in the bible.
truth is the most important thing I'm looking for, especially on dating apps. Also, trust is what holds any and all relationships together, even with the Lord.
Puts God first and knows or understands God for himself first. Not just following what religious leaders, parents or other people say but he can have an intimate relationship with God. It assures me that he will seek or talk to God first instead of a fellow being when he encounters challenges or celebrations
God first always, someone who loves God more than I do, who needs God more than me, finds strength and comfort from God first, someone who wants to serve Jesus together, even if it meant full time study, missions, serving etc Healthy spiritually and physically, understanding that they go hand in hand compliments to each other Someone down to earth, not too self righteous, or too liberal, a good balance of genuine good person and godliness, non judgemental and empathy for the less fortunate ❤
@Charlie Loves this. Message me. 😉
When my date has personal devotionals every day and also attends to church faithfully.
An honest, humble and loving person in and out of church —- when they say they love God and it also shows in how they serve and relate with their family, friends, work place and strangers. Values growth in being more Christ-like. 💚
He will respect God's and My boundaries - "No sex before marriage"
@Oksana Yes. And also any other boundaries you have, whether physical, emotional, ect.
@Kelly What are some Christian boundaries you all have in dating?
@Shauna-Kaye A mental boundary is the need for a bit of time to myself after work for instance, to decompress from the day. It's an introvert thing, but I need that space. An emotional one is to be able to say no to something (in any context) and not feel guilty about it. Being able to take some time to reply to messages ect. What about yours?
@Kelly i don't know about mine.
@Shauna-Kaye Don't worry, these can take time to figure out. It's good to have some idea before going into a dating relationship, which is advice I've been given. I think a good way to look at it is with your other relationships with friends/family. What boundaries do you have there? What green flags are there? Similar for dating. Hope that helps a bit! ❤️
What are some more Christian boundaries you have in dating?
God First, loyalty and great understanding
God first and a real relationship with Jesus
having a christ centered relationship!!
Put God first!
If it’s a guy, he has other godly men in his life that he turns to for mentorship, accountability, he is essentially being discipled. Same with a woman, having people in your life who love Jesus, who you can turn to asking for prayer, advice etc.
Transparency and effective communication
It’s crucial to stay open and in constant prayer. These days, everything can feel like a red flag, and people may judge harshly. While no one is perfect and red flags will exist, focus on seeking God’s guidance. Trust Him to lead you to the right person, knowing that in the end, love covers all.
Their priorities will either be a source of peace or limitless contention. If I don’t see the things that need to be priorities for my calling in them then it isn’t their calling. It’s easy for people to say, “I love God” but generally i’m looking for specific that boil down to a persons calling in Christ. If i don’t see specifics: red flag.
@Taylor absolutely!
A woman to pray and fast with, to bring Jesus into ever part of our relationship, to wash eachother in the Word of God! And is ok with me being an absolute Bible nerd...
@Quinn hi, if you meet her, would you be able to discern her if she's different? Would you uphold that standard?
Thanks for this. Coming from a man who likes to fast with a woman...
Shows positive signs or traits in a potential partner that indicate aligning on core Christian beliefs & principles, including views on marriage, family, & morality such as being PRO-LIFE! Willingness to discuss spiritual struggles, seek guidance together, & openly share their faith journey.
Shows kindness & empathy & loves my curious mind always asking tons of questions, open communication, a commitment to serving others, & a desire to grow together in their faith journey; essentially, someone who demonstrates a genuine dedication to living a Christian life & wants to serve together integrating faith into the relationship.
Nice sister. ❤️
When he enthusiastically shares what he’s currently studying. When he prays for you, with you, and over you. Healthy (not codependent) relationship with his mother.
Not treating dating like a wish list, but focusing on character and quality of connection 😅
Yes. The world is like that. Im happy im in SALT. Christian are truly Salt and light of the Earth🥰☺️
Growth-oriented 😍
💚 Jesus is part of his day to day life and comes first when he is faced with choices 💚 he treats his family and people who serve him (waiter/waitresses, tellers, etc) with kindness and respect 💚 he is hardworking and a provider, doesn’t mind paying for a meal on a date. Money is not the most important thing to him. 💚 he is respectful to others regardless of their financial status or title. 💚 he is humble to recognise his flaws & honest about everything 💚 is polite 💚 makes me smile/laugh
💚 we have similar interests and common life goals (we walk in the same direction, not opposite) There are a few more. But these I consider to be the core aspects that would be def green flags for me 💚
Commitment to church every week. Kindness. Believes God's Word over man's word. Easy to talk to, & asks questions. Pro-life.
• Consistency of his devotion to God. • Doesn’t mind women wearing jeans (I had a bad experience of extremism and yeah, women wearing jeans was apparently bad?). • Displays fruits of the Holy Spirit. • Prays and loves on people who are not nice to him or those he loves and doesn’t complain or yap on about the negatives of people and pulls others up off they do. • Bananas for Jesus. • Can have a respectful and healthy discussion even when disagreements are present.
• Encouraging and seeks the Bible to give advice ensuring the advice is underpinned by Biblical principles rather than his own. • Emotionally matured. • Consistently offers to pray with friends and family out of a generous and loving heart. • Is inclusive to others, knows how to delegate conversations so everyone can have an input. • Has a heart for serving others
Thank you so much for this. Such a breath of fresh airs. 🥰😍😘🤗❤️🌹Thanks and God bless!
Yes putting God first Caring for others Being able to care for themselves such as cook, clean etc Have a stable job. Treat girls with respect pay for dinner, coffee and date them.
@Tianna Hello Tianna, Lovely to see your post fellow Aussie. God bless you. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘🦘
Besides the obligatory puts Christ first, I’d say two way conversations. Being able to ramble together is a good sign! Among my friends we are known to send 10 to 15 minute voice messages. Frequency of communication is also important. Green flag if we’re talking through out the day!
Putting God first is very essential for the relationship 💕
@Alicia Was does putting God first mean to you? 🙂
Puts God first before me/before everything else... the greenest hahaha
@Nikka you also have the breathe of God in you he lives right
• They have a calm presence. • They ask me questions about myself and don't talk just about themselves. • They encourage my goals. • They have godly friends and community they're regularly apart of. And, lots more! :)
Everything that has breathe has God in me and there is no condemnation in the presence of the most high
Someone who always listens to what you have to say, and respects/values your opinion and contribution to a topic. Someone who knows you are your own person and will still want to do things with other people (friends/family) outside of the relationship ect.
A lovely person that has the love in him will always love all things created ...He alone created all things and make them perfect
If the Holy Spirit doesn't tell me to run away then that's always a good sign 😎
@Daniel how do you know it’s the Holy Spirit? What are the signs of perhaps fruits of that?